Any Anglophile is of course besotted with the offerings of British telly. We get the occasional gem on PBS. BBCAmerica on rare occasions decides to depart from its "all repeats all the time" format to actually show something worth watching. These examples, are, sadly, few and far between. What's a poor Anglophile to do? Well, there is a wonderful alternative available. The Telly website offers the ability to subscribe to a service which will allow users to watch live British TV. It is a bit expensive to set up, but then there is a relatively inexpensive monthly fee of around $100 to watch 40 British stations on your computer. The user is also responsible for paying the yearly British TV license fee of around $280.
The great thing is that you can try out the service for 24 hours for $20. I did this today and it is wonderful! You only need to download the free SlingPlayer software and soon you're up and running! There is an online menu that makes browsing all available programs very easy. I was viewing the broadcast over a wireless network, and I had absolutely no problems with it. The entire process was amazingly quick and easy. Now to start my savings account to pay for the full subscription . . .
2 days ago
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