Because the role of women was very limited at that time, Adelia pretends to be the interpreter for "Dr. Mansur" as he treats patients. During this time, she is also questioning people and attempting to gather facts about the murders. At the same time, she is a short-tempered and somewhat unpleasant person to be around. The story really bogs down around the middle when the author has a character go off into an extended personal narrative/history lesson about the Crusades. Later, the mystery novel unnecessarily descends into a somewhat overheated romance novel. Although Adelia suspects (she claims) nearly every male in town of being the murderer, when his true identity is finally revealed, it isn't much of a surprise. This is the first novel in what is so far a series of three. Although the story was interesting and suspenseful at times, something I found jarring was the use of words throughout the story that seemed totally out of place for the time period ("cosmopolitan" and "stuff" are two that come to mind). It all added up to an uneven read -- at times interesting, at times frustrating, but overall a disappointment.
Final Verdict for Mistress of the Art of Death:

Interesting review. I really enjoy historical fiction as I feel it really helps one appreciate a place to understand its past as well as its present. But not if the novel isn't interesting enough to spend time on it!
Well, you might want to give it a try . . . I was just expecting more of a mystery without the digressions into romance and a history of the Crusades. But that's just me! :)
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