Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Once again, I'm happy to be able to offer a giveaway of a wonderful British TV series on DVD, courtesy of Acorn Media. Life on Mars tells the story of Manchester DCI Sam Tyler, who is hit by a car and wakes up in the same place, but the year is 1973. He is still himself and working for the police, but he must come to terms with the decided lack of technology and the unenlightened attitudes of his fellow coppers.

Sam is not at all reluctant to tell everyone that he is "from the future," although they are understandably skeptical of his claims. To add to the general confusion, Sam keeps hearing snippets of conversation that are apparently happening to his unconscious form in the hospital in the present day. While trying desperately to figure out a way to get back to the present, he has to adjust to life in 1973 as well as continue his work on the police force.

I was surprised that there are so many humorous moments in the show. Sam is understandably horrified when he first glimpses himself wearing wide-collared shirts and bell-bottomed pants. He is also frustrated at the difficulties in communicating in a pre-mobile phone world. He does try though:

Sam to Operator: I need you to connect me to a mobile number. {He rattles off a long string of numbers.}

Operator: Is that an international number?

Sam: No, I need you to connect me to a Virgin Mobile number.

Operator: Don't you start that sexy business with me, young man. I can trace this call!

Poor Sam! How can he ever adjust to a world that is familiar, yet totally foreign to him? Will he ever make it back to the present day? It's an amusing journey watching him try!

To enter to win one of 3 copies of the first season of the British version of Life On Mars, leave me a comment stating whether you prefer the British or the U.S. version of the series. If you haven't seen it, please leave me a comment stating what year you'd like to wake up in, if you found yourself in Sam's situation. I think I'd have to go for 1888 myself, to catch Jack the Ripper red-handed (uh, literally)!

Please make sure your email is on your profile if you have a blog, or include your email in your response so that I can contact you. Enter your comment by the end of the day on July 23. Winners will be chosen by on July 24. I'll notify you by email on July 24, and you'll have 3 days to respond before I choose another winner. Due to shipping costs, this contest is only open to U.S. residents.

Thanks and good luck!


Smitten by Britain said...

I haven't seen either but of course I would prefer the original version naturally. What year would I want to wake up in? Easy, 1966 in Swinging London.

The Chilly Hollow Needlepoint Adventure said...

Having seen both versions on BBC America and on network tv, the original BBC version is a thousand times better. There was a new version on BBC with a female detective lost in time, but we didn't manage to catch that one. I just didn't see how it could compete with the original.

When would I like to time-travel? Well, Edwardian England, I suppose.

Maybe. I like Now!

sphinx63 said...

I haven't seen either, but I love British tv, so I'm sure I'd like that better. I would like to wake up in the year 1925, so I could see what my grandparents were like as kids.

sphinxcw at aol dot com

Lisette said...

I would want to watch the British version.

I would want to wake up in the 1950's because I loved how people dressed back then :D


Zippy said...

I LOVE the US version and I hadn't even realized it was a British show. Now I want to see that as well. See what you started????

moushka said...

Being that my sister in law is from England I have taken a liking to British shows. I would go with the British version.
I would like to go back to the 1700s.

mar said...

I have not seen this show, but I would prefer the American version - thank you

demmi said...

I prefer the British version it is awesome con5459(at)gmail(dot)com



Sd said...

The British version is so much better, I'd like to Time travel to the middle ages

Karen P said...

I've only seen the American version, but would absolutely love to see the British version. I've heard it's so much better.

dazedpo (a t) a o l (d o t) c o m

ky2here said...

The British version works from start to finish. I like the American show but the British is much better.

Erica C. said...

I haven't seen the British version...only the American, which I love. But, I love British I have a feeling I'd prefer it!

Green Yak on Etsy said...

I've only seen the British version, which I loved; I wasn't really grabbed enough by the commercials for the U.S. version to want to watch it.

greenyak [at] yahoo [dot] com

catriona_sweeps said...

The British version is so much funnier. I prefer to watch British shows as much as I can.

Cody Endres said...

Much like The Office, the British version is much better. I did like alot of the actors in the American version though.

ddtavener said...

I have only seen the US version and loved it! I was so sad to see this go off the air, so now I can't wait to see the British version.

Amber said...

I would love to see the British version since I've only seen the US version and it was great!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

reddon30 said...

I have only seen the US version and would like to check out the British British.

Unknown said...

I have not seen it yet but it sounds like a good show. I guess i would like to wake up in the 1960 era. I have always been interested in the war era, i would like to see for myself what it was like.

Carol EL said...

I've only seen the American version, but would like to see the British version. I want to wake up in San Francisco in 1967-1968.

clc408 said...

I haven't seen either, but I generally prefer the BBC version of most shows. I'd like to wake up in 1967 so I could rethink a few things.

oceanrena said...

i have not seen either version, but prefer the us versions.

Firestorm said...

Saw both, thought the US version had an unexpected ending (compared to the UK one)but was clever.

mverno said...

no question the british version

agordon10 said...

the bbc verison is better

Unknown said...

I saw both series and prefer the original British series; and if I win that is my preferred one.

The year to be at is kind of hard as I really like this time that I am at... but it would be interesting to have seen my parents when they were young.

magic5905 said...

Haven't seen the British version. Would love to!!!. I would like to wake up in the 30's or 40's. Thanks.

Sarah said...

I haven't seen either of these!

If I could wake up in any year that I wanted I would probably pick 1964 so that I could meet the Beatles before they were really famous :)

My email is tyler061[at]

Unknown said...

The British version is the best! I love the show. Ashes to Ashes (a spin off) is ok but Life On Mars is better.

Anonymous said...

I much prefer the original British version!

oldnehamkin at yahoo dot com

robinsonbike said...

I'd like the British version if I win

Anonymous said...

I have only seen the American version of the show. I loved it right up to the final episode. In my opinion, the conclusion could have been better. It would be great to see the British version and compare the two.

Terri Dell said...

I've never seen the British version

Donna M. Clark said...

didn't even know they had a british version out. I loved the American version, and just started getting BBC. I am finding that BBC has a lot of shows that I tremendously enjoy. So I probably would like the British version, too.
I would love to go back in time to 1973- I could give my Mom hints on how to deal with me.

Luvdaylilies said...

Oh my goodness!
I would LOVE to win the Bristish version~neat show=)
I'd like to travel to the 1920's!
Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net
Thanks for a super-fantastic giveaway & good luck everyone!

Unknown said...

I haven't seen either version but it sounds like a fun show. I think I would like to go to a year when I never lived. I don't want to revisit MY past.

Leona P said...

id like the us version

J. P. Feingold said...

I was sorry they ended the US version so prematurely, so would love to see the British original. I'd enjoy waking up in 1962.

shannons said...

I loved the British version and couldn't bear to watch the American.

Deborah Wellenstein said...

I haven't seen either one, but I would prefer the original (British)version. Thank you!

janeh said...

I loved the American was one of my favorite tv shows, and I was really sorry that it I would love to see the original British version so I could compare!

Aisling said...

I haven't seen either, but I almost always prefer the British version of every multi-continent tv series. I'd love to be in Ireland in 1920 and know what I know now. But would anyone listen?

Anonymous said...

I've only seen the American version, but I have no doubt that the British version is better, it almost always is (with the exception of The Office)! We've only gotten one remake "right", in my opinion. I would love to wake up in the 1930s in Paris. Thanks for the giveaway!

luckymegs1981 AT yahoo DOT com

Marcia said...

Have heard about this show but never have seen it. Guess I would take the British version, from all the other blogger comments.

I would like to go back to the year 1971.

Jennifer I. said...

The British version was way better than the US--I fell in love with John Simm in this series. And the Brit version of Annie was 1000% times better. Thanks for offering this contest.

Jacqueline in Atlanta said...

Honestly I have not seen it, but I can tell you I would always opt for Brit TV. Their humor is drier and besides, who could pass up the chance to listen to that accent!

Thanks for having the giveaway!

guettel78 said...

The Yanks never quite get it right when it comes to trying to remake British TV gems (see: "Coupling," "The Office," etc.), so I'd definitely cast my vote for the British version. Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Love to see the British, they always do TV shows better, great charactors. I would travel back just 10 years and not lose the love of my life. Mind the Gap .....

wendy wallach said...

I prefer the US version myself.

madamerkf at aol dot com

Karen said...

Love the original version :)

ktgonyea at

Anonymous said...

timgus at cox dot net

Kim (Randominities) said...

I am totally hooked on the Life On Mars british version.

I only started watching it because I thought of David Bowie and in the preview/first part they played David Bowie music.

While I loved the british version, I didn't care much for it's ending. So I was very hopeful when the American version came out. It was so bad I couldn't watch past 30minutes! It wasn't the actors, it was the script.

So, I would love to have the british version of Life On Mars. Thanks so much for this contest.

Karrie said...

I prefer the British Version

wwWinter said...

I enjoy both versions but the british version is my favorite - I just wish the US version was not so mucked up at the end - the BBC version had the right Idea creating a Spin off with the spunky female detective;-)

Gloria's Bits and Pieces said...

Have not seen but would prefer original version please.

Jinxy and Me said...

British version please!

ReggieMann said...

My boyfriend is a big fan of the US Version and was highly upset when the series was cancelled. I would love to win this for him as he has showed interest in the British version as well :)

erma said...

I haven't seen either,but I would choose the British version.

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen it but I would like to see the original. I'd like to go back to the year I graduated from high school. BTW I love BBC America.

djgroz said...

I think I like to see the original British version.

Charity S said...

I didn't like the American version..but would love to see the British version.


Leilani said...

I've seen both versions and I greatly prefer the British. Of course, that's the one I saw and loved first...but still...


Anonymous said...

Mancrush on Jason O'Mara from the States version!

AICORP said...

The original British version puts the short-lived American version to shame.

Tattooed Dork said...

I haven't seen this show yet but I would love to wake up in the late 1960's.

Leslie said...

Prefer the British version.

Anonymous said...

British version definitely.The American version is good but the Brit version is infiinitely better and I love the sequel Ashes to Ashes.

Tammy said...

I have only seen the US version but would like to see the British version.

Marianna said...

I've seen the US version but would love a chance to watch the British version!

Dave said...

I enjoyed the US version very much, well, except for that ending! I have not seen the original British series, bit I would like to. As for the year, not too far back, just 1986. There are a few things I would like to do differently. Thank you for the chance to win.

Egare1 said...

I'd love the British version, Hubby and I saw the US version and he says it was nowhere near as good (he's from the UK).

I'd like to wake up in the 1970s, and give myself some good advice about my future!

RhymeSchemesAndDaydreams said...

I haven't seen the series, but the UK originals are typically better than the American versions, and John Simm was really good in Doctor Who.

What year would I like to wake up in? Well, if I was in the same place, Pensacola, Fla., it would be interesting to watch the Spanish arrive in 1559, but gosh, no air conditioning? So, I'll take 1981, because it's within easy driving distance of the mall in Shreveport, La., where I saw that IG-88 12" figure but I passed on it, because I had a limited amount of money back then and I was still hoping to find the 12" Han, but I never did. I'd stock up on all the toys.

Mom Union said...

The British version, definitely.
Time travel? I'd go back 16 years and take the pill.

HousePrincess said...

I'd like the us version.

Jayfr said...

I haven't seen either version, but I have seen the newer BBC version with the woman detective - I really liked that one. I'd like to wake up in 1969 right before the Cubs started to tank.

chromiumman said...

loved the uk version, really couldnt get into the us version

blogggggg said...

I love the British version. I seem to always prefer the originals!

wordsmoveme at gmail dot com

John Stein said...


I have only seen the American version. I thought it was the best thing I have ever seen. I want to now see the U.K. Version to compare the two.

dvice12 said...

I prefer the British version

mrstrooper said...

Definitely the British version!

Kathy said...

I have seen the American version but my son told me the British version was better. I would love to win a copy. Thanks.

yadgirl said...

I'd prefer the British version

Kathy P said...

i have not seen it i would love to wake up in 1965 when i was born i would change soooooooooooo many things.

i would take either version :)

Gabriel S-J. said...

I like the british better!

Anonymous said...

I have not seen this, but would like to and prefer the british version.

I would like to wake up in the year 1776

Liz Mays said...

I'd prefer the British version. Thanks for having the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I would prefer the U.S. version.

Helen said...

The British version was far, far better! I also love the sequel, Ashes to Ashes!


I have never seen it!

It sounds like just my kinda show!

A little syfy mixed with comedy.


I would like to wake up around 1820-1830 in New Orleans & meet Marie Laveau.

/\Heather/\ said...

I've only seen the American version a couple of times, so I can't decide. So, I'll just tell you that I would love to wake up in the early 1800's so I can find the fictional Darcy for myself.

theolotto said...

I saw the american version so I can't make a comparison until I see the british version.I'd like to wake up in 1966 where free love was really free lol.

Heather said...

I love the US version but wanted to watch the UK version on BBC, however I missed it. I did catch a few episodes of the spin off show.

jeff hill said...

Yes.. I would like to win this great show on dvd. My prefer is for the British version of the show.

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I'm a librarian who is interested in all things British. I try to visit London as often as possible, and am always planning my next trip. I lived in Sweden for a few years with my Swedish husband, so the occasional Swedish reference may occur . . .

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