The film opens on June 25 in the UK, and UK fans can find out how to enter to see a preview screening of the film. Love that rock band Infant Sorrow? Are you Aldous Snow’s number 1 fan? Well if you fancy seeing him at a preview screening of Get Him to the Greek, then why not call him up and find out how…

07585 064258*
*Charges are based on the caller's standard cost of a call from a fixed or mobile line. The cost of calling will vary depending on your standard calling charges to mobiles and it is your responsibility to check charges before calling. Callers must have the bill payer's permission before calling. For full terms and conditions visit http://www.gethimtothegreekmovie.co.uk/fan
Good luck to those in the UK who make the call! Here in the US, I'll just have to queue up and buy a ticket with the rest of the mob!
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